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22. Norman N. DEWEY (*+) was born on 13 February 1819 in North Hampton, Clark County, OH. (One LDS Family Search file lists his birth place as Northampton, Hampshire County, MA, but the 1860 and 1870 Census' lists his birth place as Ohio, as do the 1910 Census for his son Aurelius and the 1920 Census for his daughter Mary. It was actually North Hampton, Clark County, OH.) He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lafayette Township, Walworth County, WI. His household consisted of Norman, age 30; Minerva, age 31; and their children, "Aurillius E.," a male, age 7; and "Abi E," a female, age 5. Living next door was the household of Ambrose Fite Parish, age 35; his wife, Lucinda, age 30; their four children; and Roxanna Parish, age 56. It is very probable that Ambrose was a brother of Minerva, and that Roxanna was his wife's mother because they were both born in Massachusetts. Between June 1855 and 1875 he was a farmer in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. Norman owned property on 15 June 1855 in Monroe County, WI. Bureau of Land Management records show that Norman received two parcels of public land from the U.S. government on June 15, 1855. The parcels were granted to him under the auspices of an 1820 Act of the U.S. Congress to populate the American West. One parcel was a 55.7-acre piece in Wilton Township described as "the West half of the North West fractional quarter of Section Seven in Township Sixteen North of Range One West in the District of Lands subject to sale at La Crosse Wisconsin." The other was a 40-acre piece in Ridgeville Township described as "the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section Twelve in Township Sixteen North of Range Two West in the District of Lands subject to sale at La Crosse, Wisconsin." The pieces adjoined each other adjacent to the Ridgeville-Wilton town line, and were southeast of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ridgeville. The Patents contain the signature of President Franklin Pierce, and Gary Griggs has certified copies of each from the Bureau of Land Management.. The 40-acre section in Ridgeville adjoined a 20-acre parcel then owned by August Pergande, and now owned by Bill Waege, one of his grandsons. Norman later sold both pieces of farmland to Gottfried Jaskewicz (later changed to Kewit), who had emigrated from Germany in 1855. Gottfried was the paternal grandfather of Bernice Pergande Griggs' mother, Auguste Lydia Kewit. So a business transaction took place in the 1860's between ancestors of two families that came together in the marriage in 1939 of Bernice Pergande and LaVerne Griggs. The 1877 plat map of Tomah Township shows that Norman's wife then owned an 80-acre farm in the northeast portion of Section 7. (Norman had died in 1875.) He appeared in the census in 1855 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. His household consisted of 2 males (probably himself and his son, Aurelius) and 3 females (probably his wife and their daughters Abi and Mary). The whereabouts of their sons Aurelius and Ephraim is not known. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. His household consisted of Norman, Minerva, their son "Anselma" (Aurelius) and their daughters Mary and Eva. (His household was next to that of Gottfried Kewit and his family.) Norman appeared in the census in 1870 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He appeared in the census in 1875 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. His household consisted of 1 male and 2 females. He died on 24 December 1876 at the age of 57. (The Root Family Bible lists his date of death as 25 December 1876. His wife's obituary lists it as 24 December 1875, as does the Oak Grove Cemetery record of deaths. The LDS Family Search website lists it as 24 December 1876.) Norman was buried in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Minerva Eunice PARISH (*) and Norman N. DEWEY (*+) were married on 15 September 1842 in Solon, Cuyahoga County, OH. (According to the IGI records, their marriage date was 13 Sep 1842.) 23. Minerva Eunice PARISH (*) was born on 16 July 1819 in Solon, Cuyahoga County, OH. (She was listed as "E. M. Dewey" in the Marriage Registration Record of her son, Aurelius.) The 1840 Census of Solon, Cuyahoga County, OH, listed the family of Justus Parish, and it was the only Parish household in the county. He may have been her father. Justus' household consisted of 1 male, age 15-20; 1 male, age 20-30; 1 male, age 50-60; 1 female, age 5-10; 1 female, age 15-20 (possibly Minerva); and 1 female, age 40-50. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Lafayette Township, Walworth County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1855 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. Minerva appeared in the census in 1860 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1875 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. Minerva appeared in the census in 1880 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. She was living with her son Aurelius during the census. (She cannot be located in the 1900 Census. Her obituary in 1907 indicated that she had lived in Tomah for the 40 years prior to her death, but she cannot be located in the Monroe County census in 1900. She was living with her daughter, Mary, at the time of her death, but she was not listed with Mary's family in 1900.) She appeared in the census in 1905 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. She was living with her son Aurelius and his wife. She died on 29 April 1907 at the age of 87 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. Obituary Notes: "Mrs. Minerva Dewey, nee Parish, was born in Solon, Ohio, July 16th, 1819, and died of paralysis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. J. Root, south of this city, April 29th, 1907, at the advanced age of 87 years, 9 months and 13 days. She came to Walworth County, Wis., in 1846, and to Monroe County in 1855, settling in the town of Wilton where she resided for nine years. She moved to Tomah in 1864 where she has resided for over forty years. The deceased was married to Norman Dewey, Sept. 15, 1842. He departed this life Dec. 24, 1875. For the past nine years she has resided with her son and daughter, respectively. Only two of her five children survive, viz: Aurelius Dewey and Mrs. I. J. Root, both of Tomah. She also leaves to mourn eleven grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Mrs. Dewey united with the Christian Church in childhood and upon coming west became a member of the United Brethren Church. For some time she has been conscious of the weight of years and longed for the time to come when the Lord would call her home. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, May 1, at the home of I. J. Root, the Rev. W. Atkinson officiating and the interment was in Oak Grove Cemetery. The singing was in charge of I. N. Palmer, Mrs. Fred Crossett and Mrs. Judson Crossett, with Miss Annie Berry accompanist. Mrs. Dewey's death removes another of the oldest settlers from this community." Minerva was buried on 1 May 1907 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oak Grove Cemetery. She has Ancestral File Number 2BJZ-G5P. Children were: | i. | Aurelius Ephraim DEWEY was born on 11 August 1843 in Ohio. He was known as "Uncle Relius." (This picture is believed to be him in his Civil War uniform, but that has not been confirmed. The picture is identified only as "Grandfather Dewey.") He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lafayette Township, Walworth County, WI. He appeared in the census in 1855 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. Aurelius appeared in the census in 1860 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. He was listed as "Anselma," age 16, and his occupation was listed as a "Farm Laborer." He served in the military in 1865 in La Crosse, La Crosse County, WI. He enlisted on 3 February 1865 in company B, 47th Infantry Regiment, Wisconsin Voluntary Infantry, in La Crosse for one year. He was described as age 21, single, hazel eyes, brown hair, dark complxion, 5' 10", from Tomah Township. His enlistment was credited to Troy, Sauk County, WI, and he served as a Private. He was mustered out on 29 August 1865 at Madison, WI. His pension number was Invalid's Application #640404 from WI, 16 Feb 188x and #437671. (Source: "Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers: War of the Rebellion" published in 1886.) He appeared in the census in 1870 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. An 1877 plat map of Tomah Township shows that Aurelius owned a 40-acre parcel of land in the northeast corner of Section 7 and a 40-acre parcel in the west portion of Section 5. Aurelius appeared in the census in 1875 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. His household consisted of 3 males and 1 female. Between 1875 and October 1897 he was a farmer in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He owned an 80-acre farm in the northeast portion of Section 7 that he had inherited (or purchased) from his parents. The following article about the area appeared in the 20 June 1995 issue of the Tomah Journal: "One might travel far and look over many rural scenes before he would see the equal of the view which we obtained a few days ago from on the picturesque bluffs near Jacksonville. Upon reaching the top of the bluff and gazing for a moment upon nature's beautiful panorama spread out before us, our first thought was that it must have been while contemplating this scene of thrift and prosperity that certain citizens of Sparta first conceived the idea of an equalizing committee to take some of the taxes off from their sand patch and put upon the inhabitants of this garden spot. The view from this bluff is not of great extent, but is one where nature has distributed her favors with lavish hand. Previous to the arrival of the pioneer settlers in 1854, it was a wilderness. Its streams well stocked with fish, its marshes and swamps where all kinds of game fowl abounded, and the surrounding forest-covered ridges made it a favorite camping ground for the Indians. Now within a short radius of our point of observation we looked upon the possessions of such substantial and prosperous farmers as Thos. Anderson, J. E. Broadwell, Joe Graham, O. M. Hill, A. E. Dewey, W. H. Jennings, A. L. Scherer, L. D. Wyatt, Jap Beardsley, H. J. Lamberton, J. H. McCurdy, W. W. Jackson, Web. Kenyon, Wm. Bell and others. Farther to the north we could see the farms of the Woodards, Chas. Reynolds, Wm. Sullivan, Mrs. Barber and Wm. Farnum bringing us around to the city of which we obtain a fine view. On the south, in the distance were visible the places belonging to Polifka, Dan Sullivan, W. N. Austin, James Sheahan, John Sexton, Geo. Stevens, Al Stevens, the Deckers and many others. After taking this view of Tomah and some of her tributary country, nobody can fail to be convinced that there is a substantial basis for the hopes of her most sanguine citizens. Crops look splendid and a bountiful harvest is promised the toiling granger." An article in the October 16, 1897, Tomah Journal noted: "Some of their friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Dewey a good bye party before their departure from the neighborhood. We are sorry to lose them from here, but are very glad they have gone no farther than Tomah, as we can enjoy their company occasionally now." He appeared in the census in 1880 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. His occupation was listed as "Farmer." Aurelius appeared in the census in 1890 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He was listed on the 1890 Veteran's Census record. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He, his wife, and their daughter Hattie lived at 1223 McLean Avenue, next door to their son Jason. He appeared in the census in 1905 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. His occupation was "Farmer." Aurelius appeared in the census in 1910 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He and his wife "Jennie" lived on "Fair Grounds Road." He appeared in the census in 1920 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. He and his wife lived in the Second Ward. He died on 18 August 1928 at the age of 85 in Hankinson, Richland County, ND. Aurelius was buried in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
| | ii. | Abbey E. DEWEY was born about 1845 in Solon, Cuyahoga County, OH. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Lafayette Township, Walworth County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1855 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. Abbey died before probably 1860 at the age of 15. (She was not listed with her parents in the 1860 Census, so she probably died before then.) | | iii. | Ephraim DEWEY died before probably 1850. (He is not listed as living with his parents and siblings in the 1850, 1855 or 1860 Census'. He may have died before 1850 as an infant.)
| 11 | iv. | Mary Minerva DEWEY (*+). | | v. | Eva Jane DEWEY was born on 25 October 1857 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. Eva appeared in the census in 1875 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. She was living with her parents. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. She died on 14 April 1890 at the age of 32. Eva was buried in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oak Grove Cemetery. |