Sixth Generation

307. Clint Robert NIEBUHR was born on 29 May 1963 in Wisconsin.132,196

Clint Robert NIEBUHR and Teri Lynn ANDERSON were married on 23 October 1982 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.132,196,197 Teri Lynn ANDERSON was born on 4 August 1964 in Wisconsin.132

Clint Robert NIEBUHR and Teri Lynn ANDERSON had the following children:



Erica NIEBUHR was born (date unknown).



Aaron NIEBUHR was born (date unknown).

Clint Robert NIEBUHR and Linda Jane OLSON were married on 24 March 1997 in Clark County, NV.77,132 Linda Jane OLSON, daughter of Larry OLSON and Doris QUIST, was born in November 1961.132