
  1. Deutschland, Preussen, Pommern, Kirchenbucher 1544-1945, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/202022.
  2. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1880 Census.
  3. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book" (Taylor Publishing Company, 1984), Article 1069.
  4. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1860 Census.
  5. Gravestone List, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI.
  6. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Church Register copied by Gary Griggs, 8/6/2004.
  7. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 8/9/2019.
  8. Cemetery Records, St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery Database, researched by Gary Griggs, 3/3/2021.
  9. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 94.
  10. Immigrant Passenger Manifests on, Downloaded by Gary Griggs, 6/18/2005.
  11. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889).
  12. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 92.
  13. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church 100th Anniversary Booklet, 1862-1962, Ridgeville, WI.
  14. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1870 Census.
  15. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1067.
  16. Website
  17. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907", Marriage Registration Record viewed by Gary Griggs, 8/5/2004.
  18. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Marriages, Page 1.
  19. Germany, Prussia, Pomerania Church Records, 1544-1966
    Deutschland, Preußen, Pommern, Kirchenbücher 1544-1945, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/18/2022.
  20. Doris Waege, Family Group Sheet, Monroe County, WI, in possession of Gary Griggs.
  21. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Death and Burial Records, Page 1.
  22. Gravestone Marker.
  23. Website
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/21/2022.
  24. Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/21/2022.
  25. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907".
  26. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information excerpted by Gary Griggs, 9/12/2003.
  27. FamilySearch (LDS) Pedigree Resource File Individual Record--Internet, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  28. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  29. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1910 Census.
  30. Gravestone List, Mount Vernon-Jacksonville Cemetery, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI, Information downloaded by Gary Griggs, 4/17/2004.
  31. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/18/2022.
  32. Ancestry WebHints on, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/3/2021.
  33. "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume II, Article 230.
  34. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1920 Census.
  35. "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume I, Article 709.
  36. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1900 Census.
  37. Website
  38. Germany, Prussia, Pomerania Church Records, 1544-1966
    Deutschland, Preußen, Pommern, Kirchenbücher 1544-1966, Page 17, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/18/2022.
  39. Bernice Pergande Griggs Notes, 1992 Griggs Family Tree Booklet.
  40. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Register, Page 378.
  41. WikiTree Website of Adam Goucher, email from Nancy Jahelka to Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  42. Deutschland, Preussen, Pommern, Kirchenbucher 1544-1945, Page 39, Researched by Gary Griggs, 1/27/2023.
  43. Deutschland, Preussen, Pommern, Kirchenbucher 1544-1945, Page 39, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/21/2022.
  44. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Membership, Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI, 1900.
  45. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 6.
  46. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Communion Register, Page 263.
  47. Florence Brehmer Dougherty Research of the Brehmer Family, Picture e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 1/18/2006.
  48. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, History Article, 10/21/2002.
  49. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Record, Page 6.
  50. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Register, Page 377.
  51. Sue Storkel Pfaff GEDCOM File of the Storkel and Pergande Families, e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 8/31/2004.
  52. Website
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 6/23/2023.
  53. FamilySearch (LDS) link to RootsMagic, Researched by Gary Griggs, 8/12/17.
  54. U.S. Census, Waukesha County, WI, 1850 Census.
  55. U.S. Census, Waukesha County, WI, 1860 Census.
  56. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1930 Census.
  57. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/10/2003.
  58. Obituary.
  59. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Picture Section.
  60. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Marriage Records, Page 5.
  61. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information excerpted, 9/18/2003.
  62. Monroe County, WI, Cemetery Database developed by Gary Griggs, 8/2007, Researched by Gary Griggs, 11/11/2008.
  63. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/3/2021.
  64. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 9.
  65. Fletcher, Jessica Kelley Research of the Kuehl Family
  66. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Tomah Township, Page 112.
  67. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Marriage Records, Page 8.
  68. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Register, Page 208.
  69. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 3.
  70. Funeral Memorial Card.
  71. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Register, Page 204.
  72. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book".
  73. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1950 Census.
  74. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 93.
  75. Richelle Kemnow Research of the Kemnow Family, Information from her website, researched by Gary Griggs, 4/4/2009.
  76. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944".
  77. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild.
  78. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Extracted by Gary Griggs, 9/7/2003.
  79. Bill Scheer Research of the Kortbein, Noth and Kuthlow Families, e-mailed "Kuthlow Descendants Report" to Gary Griggs, 10/31/2003.
  80. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/16/2003 .
  81. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1923's edition alumni list.
  82. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1922 Edition.
  83. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 358.
  84. Find A Grave Index Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/21/2022.
  85. U.S. Census, La Crosse County, WI, 1900 Census.
  86. U.S. Census, Vernon County, WI, 1910 Census.
  87. Wisconsin Marriage Index, 1820-1907, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  88. Monroe County, WI, Cemetery Database developed by Gary Griggs, 8/2007
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  89. Jahelka, Nancy Kuehl Research of the Kuehl Family, email to Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  90. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 33.
  91. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database.
  92. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1912 Edition.
  93. Website
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 12/15/2015.
  94. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 11/30/2011.
  95. Monroe County (WI) Bicentennial Committee, "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial History, 1976" (Tomah (WI) Journal Printing Company, Inc.).
  96. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Article and picture about the 65th Class Reunion, 9/11/2004.
  97. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", LaGrange Township, Page 42.
  98. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Brice McMullen Report," 3/14/2005.
  99. Irene Wadephul Smith Conversation with Gary Griggs, 8/6/2002.
  100. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Lincoln Township, Page 61.
  101. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Torkelson Funeral Home Website Obituaries, 10/1/2020.
  102. Fletcher, Jessica Kelley Research of the Kuehl Family
    <>, FamilyTreeMaker website, downloaded by Gary Griggs, 3/26/2003.
  103. Rollie Kuehl Letter to Gary Griggs, 10/23/2001.
  104. Fletcher, Jessica Kelley Research of the Kuehl Family
    <>, FamilyTreeMaker report "Descendants of Gottlieb John Gehrke" e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 3/28/2003.
  105. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/17/2003.
  106. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1923 Edition.
  107. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/9/2003.
  108. Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, From Marie Drescher's database, sent to Gary Griggs 11/2002.
  109. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang, "Descendants of Isaacs Vandervort" report, e-mailed May 2016.
  110. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang
    , Descendants of James Robert Vandervort from Darryl VDV, 7/11/01.
  111. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1925 edition.
  112. Vera Purdy Wilde, Vera Purdy Wilde Research of the James R. Vandervort Family.
  113. U.S. Social Security Death Index, List from Arlyn Bernhardt, 4/2001.
  114. Birth Registration Records, Monroe County Local History Room Microfilm, viewed by Gary Griggs, 6/21/2003.
  115. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang
    , 3/31/01.
  116. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted 9/18/2003.
  117. Darryl Vandervort e-mail to VDV Gang of Family Group Sheet for Alvin L. Vandervort, 11/3/2002.
  118. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang
    , Descendants of James Robert VDV, e-mail 7/13/01.
  119. DeVere Vandervort e-mail to Gary Griggs, 11/17/2002.
  120. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1068.
  121. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 195.
  122. "Monroe County (WI) Genealogical Workshop Newsletter".
  123. U.S. Social Security Death Index , Researched by Gary Griggs, 3/31/2010.
  124. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 67.
  125. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information researched by Gary Griggs, 8/24/2006.
  126. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1926 edition.
  127. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1927 edition.
  128. Obituary, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Website, 4/8/2023.
  129. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 9/25/2023.
  130. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 63rd Class Reunion Picture, 9/11/2008.
  131. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 68.
  132. Jim Dezotell e-mail to the VDV Gang, "Descendants of John Conrad Lobe" report, e-mailed 12/14/2009.
  133. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1931 edition.
  134. U.S. Social Security Death Index , Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/19/2021.
  135. Jahelka, Nancy Kuehl Research of the Kuehl Family, email to Gary Griggs, 2/22/2021.
  136. Lori Lang Research of the Gruetzmacher and Heilman Families, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 10/16/2006.
  137. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1930 edition.
  138. Lori Lang Research of the Gruetzmacher and Heilman Families
    , Descendant Chart e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 10/15/06 .
  139. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article about the 1942 Vandervort Picnic.
  140. Matt Felber Research of the Felber, Tiber, and Blaschke Families, Excerpts mailed by Jenny Waege Tiber to Gary Griggs, 1/12/2004.
  141. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Obituaries, 7/30/2019.
  142. Obituary, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Obituaries, 7/30/19.
  143. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 7/22/2021.
  144. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Ridgeville Township, Page 86.
  145. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Class reunion article and picture, 9/2/2003.
  146. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 74.
  147. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 244.
  148. Hoag Family Genealogy Website
    <>, Information downloaded by Gary Griggs, 9/24/2003.
  149. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Lincoln Township, Page 59.
  150. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Website, 5/26/2022.
  151. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Marriage Records, Pages 336 and 337.
  152. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Adrian Township, Page 2.
  153. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", LaGrange Township, Page 44.
  154. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Special Section, Tomah High School Graduates, 5/26/2005.
  155. Schoonover, Debra Cooper Kuehl Research of the Prechel Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/2/2014.
  156. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 12/29/2013.
  157. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Baptism Records, Page 64.
  158. Wedding Announcement.
  159. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 4/16/2012.
  160. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", LaGrange Township, Page 41.
  161. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Lincoln Township, Page 63.
  162. Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, Records sent from Bonnie Dana to Gary Griggs, 1/20/2003.
  163. Janelle Dvorak Research of the Vandervort and Clay Families, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 10/23/2003.
  164. Obituary, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home.
  165. Obituary, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/7/2005.
  166. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper.
  167. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted 9/21/2003.
  168. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 2/1/2016.
  169. Carol Griggs Roeske Research of the Griggs Family, 9/5/2001.
  170. Death Certificate, Certificate ID# 1960-MN-021838 issued by the state of Minnesota and available from the Minnesota Historical Society.
  171. Obituary, Torkelson Funeral Home Website, 9/1/2021.
  172. Class Reunion News Article, Tomah Journal, 10/25/2001.
  173. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Reunion article and picture, 9/25/2003.
  174. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article about the 45th Class Reunion, 12/9/2002.
  175. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Fifty-year Class Reunion and Picture, 10/11/2007.
  176. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 7/4/2011.
  177. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 8/11/2011.
  178. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article and picture about the 50th Class Reunion, 9/27/2004.
  179. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 865.
  180. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 55th Reunion article and picture, 7/10/2008.
  181. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 254.
  182. Lona (Johnson) Adams Research of the Johnson Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 3/31/2010.
  183. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 5/9/2011.
  184. Stanley Meyers Research of the Meyer/Meyers Family, "Descendants of Erdmann Meyer" report, mailed to Gary Griggs 7/15/2006.
  185. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Kuehl Family Reunion Article, 10/3/2003.
  186. Riemer, Kathy Kuehl Research of the Riemer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 3/22/2015.
  187. Riemer, Kathy Kuehl Research of the Riemer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 8/18/2015.
  188. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 11/29/2019.
  189. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 11/29/2019.
  190. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Marriage Records, Pages 340 and 341.
  191. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Marriage Records, Pages 342 and 343.
  192. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, News article, 2/28/2008.
  193. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article, 16 June 2003.
  194. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 1/3/2019.
  195. Diana Heser Morse e-mail to Vandervort Gang, "Descendants of John Butterfuss" report, e-mailed 12/28/2006.
  196. Lillian, John and Luann Marten, 1984, "A Genealogical Survey of the Marten Family".
  197. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1409.
  198. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Greenfield Township, Page 28.
  199. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, 50th Class Reunion Picture, 6/26/2006.
  200. Website
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 7/7/2023.
  201. Obituary, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Website, 5/26/2022.
  202. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, "New Beginnings" pictures, 2/28/2008.
  203. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Article about 1965 40th Class Reunion, dated 8/11/2005.
  204. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 10/2/2012.
  205. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 1/17/2013.
  206. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 1/17/2013.
  207. Judy Decker, Judy Decker Family Tree Research
  208. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Obituaries, 2/10/2020.
  209. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Tomah Township, Page 113.
  210. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, 20th Reunion article, 14 July 2003.
  211. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 972.
  212. Florence Brehmer Dougherty Research of the Brehmer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/30/2006.
  213. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 6/13/2013.
  214. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 6/13/2013.
  215. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 75.
  216. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", LaGrange Township, Page 45.
  217. Fletcher, Jessica Kelley Research of the Kuehl Family
    <>, e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 3/26/2003.
  218. Fletcher, Jessica Kelley Research of the Kuehl Family
    <>, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 6/25/2006.
  219. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Birth Announcement Article, 5/14/2009.
  220. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, New Beginnings Birth Center Announcement Article, 6/4/2009.
  221. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Engagement Announcement, 6/15/2006.
  222. Wedding Announcement, Tomah Journal, 18 January 2007.
  223. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Torkelson Funeral Home Website, 9/1/2021.
  224. Jim Dezotell e-mail to the VDV Gang, Containing newspaper tribute to Erwin Dean Vandervort, 7/14/2005.
  225. Wedding Announcement, Tomah Journal, 8/18/2005.
  226. Marriage License, The Tomah Journal, 7/10/2008.
  227. Birth Announcement, Tomah Memorial Birth Center pictures in the Tomah Monitor-Herald, 11/5/2007.
  228. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Five Generations article and picture, 3 July 2003.
  229. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Five Generations Picture, 11/6/2008.