Home Surname List Name Index Email Us | Seventeenth Generation27. Sara BASSETT (') and Captain Peregrine WHITE Sr. (') (~) were married before 6 March 1648/9. At the 6 March 1648/49 court, Peregrine and Sara were "presented for fornication before marriage." According to the Mayflower Families book, they had seven children--Daniel, Unknown, Jonathan, Peregrine, Sarah, Sylvanus and Mercy. His birth is regarded as the first English birth in the Plymouth Colony. He was born aboard the Mayflower, just off the Cape Cod, in Provincetown Harbor, Barnstable, MA, a few weeks before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. Because he was born after the Mayflower departed England, he is not regarded as an "official" passenger. His cradle is one of the few remaining relics of the Mayflower. (This is a picture of the plaque in Plymouth, England, commemorating the departure of the Mayflower. It is located near the dock where the Mayflower departed; that departure dock was destroyed in the early 1620's.) After 1652 he was a land owner. On 3 Jun 1652, William Bassett, Sr. (his father-in-law) gave him 40 acres of land in Upland. He was presented as a Freeman on 5 June 1651. On the same day, he was elected surveyor of highways for Marshfield. He was admitted as a Freeman on 3 June 1652. On 2 Oct 1658, he was chosen to the council of war. On 3 June 1662, he was chosen Deputy for Marshfield. On 16 June 1656, William Bassett, Sr., of Duxborrow, now living at Bridgewater, gave his lands in Scituate to his two sons, Peregrine White and Nathaniel Bassett. On 3 Oct 1665, Lt. Peregrine White was granted 200 acres in respect that he was the first of the English that was born in these parts. On 4 March 1673/74, he was granted 100 acres in Titicut. He died on 20 July 1704 at the age of 83 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Obituary Notes: "Capt. Peregrine White of this Town, Aged Eighty three years, and Eight Months; died the 20th Instant. He was vigorous and of a comly Aspect to the last; Was the Son of Mr. William White and Susanna his wife; born on board the 'Mayflower,' Capt. Jones Commander, in Cape Cod Harbour, November, 1620. Was the First Englishman born in New-England. Altho' he was in the former part of his Life extravagant; yet was much Reform'd in his last years; and died hopefully." Boston News-Letter, Marshfield, MA, July 22, 1704. His will is owned and displayed at Pilgrim Hall in Plymouth. It is dated 14 July 1704 and was proved 14 Aug 1704. Peregrine has Ancestral File Number 8J65-FW. He was buried in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. in the Old Winslow Burying Ground. Sara BASSETT (') and Captain Peregrine WHITE Sr. (') (~) had the following children: